Summary and Suggestions
Summary and Suggestions for SEA Teacher Project Batch 9 1.1 Purposes of practicum My purpose in joining this program is to be part of SEA-Teacher in improving education in ASEAN countries, one of which is in the Philippines, where I was assigned. However, not only to improve their education, I also want to improve my skills such as English language skills, communication skills, my leadership skills, my teaching skills, and I also want to share my academic knowledge. It was true, everything I hoped for was realized. I can help the students at CvSU CDC especially for their English comprehension. Then, I can also improve my English language skills and communication skills. Then, through this teaching practice, I can also train my leadership skills to become a good teacher, of course with my teaching skills. 1.2 Procedures of Practicum To reach my goals that I have mentioned before, of course it can be realized after going through a long process. This practicum lasted...